Manufacturing How does RFID Tracking help in Manufacturing Changeover Process? Manasvini Jayaram Changeover is an important component of lean manufacturing initiatives. It is the process followed when a manufacturing line is being changed over from producing one part to another or from completing one workorder to starting a new workorder. Changeovers can last from a few hours to days or weeks, depending on how extensive the changes to the line are. This process requires a lot of attention to detail and can be vulnerable to human errors. Errors during the Changeover process… Continue Reading
Inventory Tracking RFID Inventory Tracking of Raw Material in a Two-Bin Kanban System Suji Many well-respected companies have deployed the Two-Bin Kanban System for inventory management in their manufacturing facilities. Let’s explore how this system functions. Two-Bin Kanban System in Inventory Management The Two-Bin Kanban System is a simple system that employs two bins to manage small but critical raw material inventory on the assembly line. Parts are supplied in this pull system through two rotating bins. The technician pulls parts from one bin till it is empty and then switches to the second… Continue Reading
Asset Tracking Software RFID & [WIP] Work-in-Progress Tracking System for Manufacturing Units Suji WIP Tracking, Work-in-progress tracking encompasses nearly all the phases of manufacturing. It starts with tracking raw material which includes Receiving and the Put Away process. AssetPulse’s RFID solutions can provide Real Time visibility of flow of materials through the production process. It allows for a lean and optimized production process by keeping the demand and build requirements in sync. As WIP is converted to subassemblies, they are moved standalone or in bins, containers and totes. We work with the Manufacturing… Continue Reading
Manufacturing Work Order Tracking on the Manufacturing Floor Manasvini Jayaram Work Order Tracking – Regardless of industry, be it medical devices manufacturing, semiconductor/aerospace manufacturing or industrial molding, work orders or paper travelers are an integral part of the assembly line. The actual usage of the paper traveler may differ from industry to industry, but the challenges of tracking them, remain the same. Work orders or paper travelers usually accompany the product being manufactured. Some may relate to a single product and others relate to a batch of product. As the… Continue Reading
Inventory Tracking RFID Inventory Control: How to Boost Efficiency In Manufacturing Suji Managing inventory levels in a cost-effective and revenue-driven manner can be difficult, even for the most experienced manufacturer. Without access to effective systems to help automate inventory control processes, properly managing inventory levels can be quite the challenge for manufacturers. AssetPulse RFID asset tracking solutions helps in automating inventory management. AssetPulse’s RFID inventory control system empowers manufacturers to automate processes based on previous purchasing trends. Additionally, the system can set automated reminders for raw material reorders, when stocks are required…. Continue Reading