Lab Equipment How a Lab Equipment Tracking Software helps you to locate a piece of Lab Equipment easily and accurately Manasvini Jayaram Scientists and engineers move equipment around because there isn’t enough of each type of equipment. It may not be prudent for the lab to purchase too many of the same type, because the lab equipment manufacturer is regularly releasing new products with advanced features. Lab budgets have to be judiciously structured to allow for purchases of the new equipment. This, of course, results in a constant shortage of some type of equipment or another. So, it’s not uncommon for equipment… Continue Reading
Lab Equipment How AssetPulse assists in Lab Equipment Calibration Management Manasvini Jayaram Timely lab equipment calibration is essential in the Biotechnology industry Why is calibration important? Given the enormous impact of the Biotech sector on the lives of billions of people, the industry takes every measure to ensure it conducts its research with accurately calibrated equipment. Labs have to adhere to numerous regulatory compliance requirements to ensure their product integrity, which include proper instrument calibration in a timely manner. A calibration certificate is issued for equipment after validation. This certificate contains key… Continue Reading
Asset Tracking Software How AssetPulse RFID Equipment Tracking eases Asset Maintenance and Service Suji RFID equipment tracking helps equipment owners to maximize the life of their assets by facilitating regular maintenance and repairs of their equipment. RFID equipment tracking can be leveraged across numerous industries for this purpose, including manufacturing, construction, oil and gas, lab equipment and Utilities. Building maintenance professionals who are responsible for HVAC equipment can also greatly benefit from the use of RFID. A CMMS Study finds that 34% of users do not track asset data. According to the study, two… Continue Reading
Oil and Gas The Role of RFID Asset Tracking Solutions in Oil Industry’s Consolidation Process Suji As the world oil markets continue to be in flux, consolidation within the oil and gas industry, especially in North America, is accelerating. The small to medium business sector is seeing significant activity. Companies are being acquired, not only for their customer base, but also for their assets. Organizations that are positioning themselves as acquisition candidates need to streamline their business processes and show enhanced visibility of their assets. This makes them more attractive to prospective acquirers. RFID Asset Tracking… Continue Reading